Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to Get Beautiful Hands

Hi dove! I'm sure you'll agree with me that we put our hands through a LOT of activity each day. Even so, with a little extra care we can have beautiful hands, and keep them pretty, feminine and lovely! 

Our hands SPEAK, even when we don't. Our hands tell tales about our lives, our habits, our personalities, our work, our play.... 

Our hands are the barometers of our emotions and take more punishment than our faces. They're often NEGLECTED. And hands grow old, even when their owners, seemingly don't.

Often we'll do something about our faces, but we forget that our hands are in evidence every single minute, People also notice our hands just as quickly and appraisingly as they do our faces. 

It's strange how many women fail to realize this!

You may have the hand of fashion, elegance and sophistication; well-manicured nails tipped in gleaming polish. Or you may have hands which bespeak capability in work, crafts etc. Whatever is the case, do use your hands to EXPRESS yourself (but keep them beautifully groomed.) 

**Practice pretty and feminine gestures. Pick up a vase or a flower as if you enjoyed handling it. Don't GRAB. Learn to use your hands femininely and gracefully.

Here's a 4-point program to follow if you want to have beautiful feminine hands.

How to Have Beautiful Hands - Protect

Before engaging in housework, gardening, or any other activity that's hard on the hands, protect your hands by COVERING them up. 

Always wear rubber gloves when washing dishes, laundering, scrubbing floors etc (be sure to wash your rubber gloves inside after using them.) Apply cornstarch powder powder to your hands before donning rubber gloves.

Apply a rich hand cream or lotion before donning cotton gloves for activities such as polishing and gardening.While protecting the skin, gloves will serve to prevent broken nails. 

In the summer and winter months, if the skin on your hands is thin and sensitive, wear gloves whenever you head outdoors. If you're not careful, the hot sun/harsh wind will dry out the natural oils and moisture excreted by the skin, and will cause the skin on your hands to become dry and coarse.  

When laundering by hand, to protect your hands, use only mild soap flakes. Be sure to rinse your hands thoroughly when you're done with the washing, and follow with a generous application of hand cream or lotion.

After washing your hands, ALWAYS apply a hand cream or lotion. When applying, stroke on the preparation gently. Hold your hands up and stroke downward, just as if you were fitting a pair of gloves.

Apply hand cream or lotion to your hands before working. This will give your hands a beauty treatment while you work. 

**Tip; a super cute and feminine look in summertime is to wear a pair of short, white lacy gloves (fingerless.) 
Team the gloves with a pair of skinny jeans, a white summery top, and a white lacy umbrella to protect the rest of you from the sun!

Gloves add to your POISE. They give you an air of simple elegance and femininity. They should be selected to harmonize with whatever you're wearing, and be functional as well as fashionable.

To prevent your hands from chapping, hand cream or lotion should be applied before and after exposure to the sun's rays.

How to Have Beautiful Hands - Cleanse

Dirty nails, embedded grime or ugly stains definitely isn't a feminine and seductive look, and will ruin the appearance of the shapeliest hand. Keep the hands immaculately clean, ALWAYS.

Never tire of removing grime, ink and other stains from your fingernails, dove! And wash your hands as often as necessary in warm soapy water. 



**Whenever you're cleansing and soaking your hands and nails, if you live in an area where the water is particularly hard, add a softener such as tincture of benzoin or boracic acid to the water.  

To thoroughly cleanse your hands and nails, use a vegetable oil based soap, or a gentle hand wash, and work up a rich lather. Make each hand washing session a beauty treatment. 

Massage the hands thoroughly in the lather. Then, follow with using a wet pumice stone for the removal of callouses on the hands (if necessary.) 

Scrub the hands - from the wrists to the fingertips - with a nail brush, or with a suitable hand/foot scrub, concentrating on the knuckles and nails.

A piece of fresh lemon can be used for the removal of stains. Stubborn stains can also be removed from your hands with a cotton-tipped orange stick - or a Q-tip dipped in cuticle remover.

Finish up the treatment with a repeated rinsing and an application of hand cream or lotion. 

**If your hands are badly discolored/stained, whiten them with one of the many excellent bleaching creams on the market. Rub the bleaching cream well into your hands before going to bed at night. Moreover, cover your hands with loose cotton gloves (by morning your hands should be shades lighter.)

Always dry your hands well. There are few oil glands in the skin of the hands, and it will quickly wrinkle and coarsen if left damp following immersion in water. Improper drying of the hands promotes dryness, as well as redness.

After the excess moisture has been removed from your hands, each finger should be dried thoroughly. But never attempt to dry your hands by waving them in the air, or giving them a quick, careless wipe with the towel.

After each hand washing, and before the application of hand cream or lotion, push back the damp cuticles at the base of the nails, using either a towel or an orange stick.

By the way, doll, always have an orange stick and a bottle of hand lotion or cream near the kitchen sink and in the bathroom.

How to Have Beautiful Hands - Beautify

At least once a week, give your hands an overnight beautification treatment. Massage your hands well with a rich lubricating cream, or a concoction that contains a vegetable/ or nut based carrier oil (such as coconut, almond or olive oil) with essential oils added. Then, slip on a pair of loose fitting, soft cotton gloves.

Massage is one of the most effective ways to improve pudgy hands.
If the knuckles on your hands are enlarged, massage them at night - in the same way as you'd fit gloves to the hands.

Another corrective for hands is hand exercises - which relax the muscles, stimulate the circulation, and promotes suppleness. Even busy hands get stiff unless regularly exercised!

Blemishes and freckles on the hands can usually be corrected through the use of lemon juice, bleaching cream or a alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) hand lotion. You can also use cut cucumber rinds.

Brown spots sometimes respond to massage, as well as do bleaching creams. 

Warts on the hands should be removed by a dermatologist - or by applying apple cider vinegar to the wart each night, and then covering with a bandaid.

Due to improper functioning of the glands under the skin, large brown spots, sometimes called 'age spots' or 'liver spots' can be be treated with apple cider vinegar. 

They can be concealed with an application of foundation make-up, which incidentally, can be quite flattering to the hands.
**Beauty tip; by placing just a tiny bit of rouge on each fingertip, you can give your fingers a slender, tapering appearance. 

You can get more of my feminine and seductive beauty tips here; The Art of Beautification for Seductresses
It's up to you whether or not you use colored nail polish. I do. It's fun to wear, it's protective, and the color makes the skin look prettier by contrast. It also puts you in the class of the well-groomed, interested-in-their-appearance women.

COLD and/or clammy hands (often due to poor circulation) will sometimes improve with persistent massage. However, more  often than not this is a problem that calls for a health and exercise program.

Perspiring palms can be treated with a liquid deodorant which will check perspiration. If the problem is serious, Botox injections may help.

How to Have Beautiful Hands - Decorate

Nothing looks more pretty and feminine than a hand that's beautifully decorated with jewelry  - such as bracelets and rings - or even with gloves or Mehndi. 

Mehndi is the application of henna on the hands (typically applied to Indian brides before their weddings,) or as a temporary form of skin decoration or tattoo. I personally think that mehndi looks beautiful :-)

Furthermore, I like the look of 'slave bracelets.' The following picture depicts such a bracelet. A very feminine and seductive look, don't you think?


As for standard jewelry for the hands, there are some rules to follow in having beautiful hands.... 

A SMALL delicate hand should never be burdened with heavy or 'chunky' looking costume jewelry. Such jewelry will overwhelm the appearance of your hand, and detract from its beauty!

Furthermore, if you have small hands, don't wear pointed nails. However, DO wear sparkly rings, set in small, feminine designs. Pretty, tinkly bracelets are also for you, but keep away from heavy rings and wide bracelets.

A large, 'capable' looking hand can be adorned with DAINTY little rings with oval stones. An oval shape will slenderize. Moreover, oval shaped nails, beautifully manicured, set off this type of hand.

SHORT, stubby fingers always look best when adorned with a little finger ring.

SQUARE shaped hands look best with a square shaped ring on the second or third fingers. 

Only the SLENDER hand (with long tapering fingers and well kept nails,) should carry a ring on the forefinger.

The long, slender hand, with well manicured nails, can be the background for beautiful jewelry - rings that sparkle, that important diamond, or the more dramatic cuff bracelet.

FLOWER rings often make a woman's hand look more feminine and lovely.

Wear an attractive watch. A watch bracelet looks very nice on a woman, is very 'timely' and very flattering.

Remember, dove, too much jewelry - of any kind (even diamonds) is in BAD taste. 

Long sleeves are especially becoming to the less-than-perfect hands. Have your sleeves zipped at the wrists for a perfect fit and finish. 

**Unless your wrists and arms are lovely, camouflage and dress them becomingly. 

The three-quarter sleeve, which ends just below the elbows, is good on slender arms, and if coordinated with cuff bracelets, you have camouflage, style and beauty.

Anyhow, cupcake, I do hope you enjoyed my article; 'How to Have Beautiful Hands!'

Much love,
Melina xxx

Ps; after going to great trouble to have your hands and nails in perfect order, you can SPOIL the whole effect by ungraceful hand mannerisms. Pay attention to how you use your hands, dove! 

Moreover, the 'elegant raised pinky' mannerism isn't used very often these days, and can be irritating if it's not something you naturally do. 

Books and Courses for Seductive Women

Feminissima - School of Feminine Arts

Give Up Your day Job With My Work From Home, Money-Making Blueprints (Can Be Used Anywhere in the World)

Work From Home Moms & Girls

The Sedona Method

A secret of a modern seductress to achieve any goal she desires, and become a woman of
excellence. The Sedona Method isn't a form of therapy or programming. Instead, it works to help you to dramatically change and improve yourself and your LIFE. I highly recommend this method!

My Other Femininity Blog

The Art of Being Feminine


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